Destination Danube Delta - Part One
Weheee! Dupa un an plin, am reusit sa ne luam si noi mai mult de 3 zile concediu. Am tot stat si ne-am gandit pe unde sa plecam si-am ajuns la concluzia ca ar fi cazul sa mai vizitam si Romanica noastra,
iar cum in Delta n-am fost si mai e si Crets acolo, de ce sa nu mergem?! Zis si facut!
Acum, pentru mare stim ce haine sa ne luam, pentru munte la fel..pentru majoritatea stim..dar pentru Delta.. pentru Sfantul Gheorghe de la capatul lumii cum sa ne imbracam? Bineinteles, pe cine intrebam, ne avertizau de tantari si ca lumea se duce acolo doar sa pescuiasca si sa se plimbe cu barca.. de aici, inteligentele de noi, au decis ca haine ca la tara ar fi bune.. and man, how wrong we were!
De cand am urcat pe vapor din Tulcea ne-am cam dat seama ca ceva nu e asa cum credeam, am vazut urcand tipe imbracate destul fashion si tipi la camasi..UPS! Oricum, trecand peste asta, vaporul pe care am petrecut 5 ore a fost peste asteptarile noastre: silentios si curat!
Tot drumul n-am vazut decat stuf, salcii, apa si iar apa!
Pentru ca am facut O TONA de poze m-am hotarat sa le postez pe rand. Trebuie sa marturisesc, ca la cum ma stiu pe mine de "atenta", mi-a fost teama sa-mi iau aparatul cu noi ca sa nu-l scap in apa...asa ca pozele sunt facute cu Iphone 5s :( .
Si totusi ca inghetata sa fie 2 lei.. smecherie!
Tinand cont ca am ajuns mai pe seara am fost luati pe nepregatite de nuantele de portocaliu si verde ce ne inconjurau, si privelistea era WOW !
Casele localnicilor erau care mai de care mai prietenoase si mai colorate! plus ca 40% din ei ofereau meniuri traditionale !
Fiind prima seara, am avut ceva emotii legate de tantari dar ne-am relaxat cu niste bere artizanata si-am fost sa vedem un film in aer liber! - ce rau imi pare ca n-am nici o poza uimitorul camping ! dar eram prea socata de imprejurimi :)))
Desi venim de la mare, tot la apa tragem asa ca a doua zi am facut o plimbare de aproximativ 2 km pana la plaja. Tinand cont ca Dunarea se varsa in Mare la aprox 1 km ..apa nu e asa sarata - pe probate!
Dupa ce ne-am parlit la soare a venit timpul pentru plimbarea cu barca pana in rezervatie! Am vazut din departare pelicani si alte pasari, nuferi, si-am mancat ciulini..dap..i-am mancat si sunt Buni!
Pentru ca lumina a fost de partea mea, toate pozele sunt needitate! Asa cum le-a facut telefonul, asa le-am postat - As vrea nuantele astea peste tot!
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Poza asta este printre favorite! |
Partea a doua aici !
It's finally time for our annual summer holiday ! We thought about where to travel next and we realized that we still have to visit our beautiful Romania. Since we have a friend that lives in Sfantu Gheorghe - village in Danube Delta, we decided to go there!
Our fist dilemma was what clothes to pack?! and since we heard that people go there just for fishing and boat trips, we thought that well..we don't have to be too fancy so we packed home clothes and man how wrong we were .. people were actually dressed I may say a little too fashionable for the environment. Well that being said, I should mention that the ship we spent 5 h on from Tulcea to Sfantu Gheorghe was clean and silent. Looking around on the way we could only see water and thatch.
Because I took like tons of photos I decided to post them in multiple posts. Sorry! And I must confess ...because I was to afraid I'll damage my camera I didn't took it with me so everything you see it's taken with Iphone 5S.
Anyway, we got there at dawn so I was taken by surprised by the colors that surrounded us, a nice orange and warm greenish. The local houses are tourist friendly and most of the people had traditional menus.
Giving the fact that it was out first night in the Danube Delta we were afraid of mosquitoes [ we heard about them being ruthless, but they were chill] and we relaxed with some home-made beer and went to watch a movie at the outdoor cinema that was in some amazing camping I don't have photos of because I was in shock by how modern and awesome it is!
I know we live 500 m from the see but we couldn't miss the chance and take a bath in a less salty water the next day because the point where the Danube is meeting the Sea was 1 km away.
In the afternoon we went for a boat ride, deeper into the reservation, and gosh that was awesome. Different types of birds and waterlilies were everywhere.
Second part - here !
1 comment:
Superbe pozele ! Nemaipomenit loc ! Asa fotografii sa tot promoveze locul! ❤ Felicitari ! ✌
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