I don't even remember since when I wanted my hair to be red but I also didn't want to dye it, so the middle solution was to buying a wig. Even so, if you don't know now, you'll find out, and if you know you'll empathize: YES some of them are uncomfortable and wearing them in summer is harder than it looks because it's sooo hot!
What I love most is that there are tons of shades of red and all of them look amazing and appetizing to me.
Hope you'll also like them.
Oh and if you are a redhead don't be afraid to message me, maybe you could be my next model.
You can find me on facebook here: 'uCa Photography
Don't forget to follow me on instagram: Here!
Am avut si eu o perioada in care as fi vrut sa fiu roscata, dar fara a folosi vopsea:)) Pana la urma m-am linisit si acum ma bucur ca am pastrat culoarea naturala a parului. Spor la gasit roscate frumoase pe care sa le fotografiezi!
Iti impartasesc obesia pentru roscate si sper sa mai gasesti cateva si sa le fotografiezi in toata splendoarea lor!
keep up the good work!!!
Multumesc Oana! :)
Cristi, mai am cateva roscate fotografiate pe blogul acesta ;)
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